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Meeting — October 23rd, 2018 — 100th Anniversary Of The “War To End All Wars”

17 October 2018

The “War to End All Wars” or the war that began all wars will be analyzed by the historians of the Scotch Plains Historical Society at their monthly meeting on October 23, 2018 at 7:30PM at the Scotch Hills Country Club. The focus will be on the European monarchies before World War I and their disappearance at the end of the war which ended 100 years ago this November. The talk will focus on the reshaping of Europe, the Middle East and the colonial aftermath in the rest of the world. The histories of various local soldiers who fought in World War I, originally called “THE GREAT WAR” and renamed World War I with the beginning of World War II, will be portrayed by society relatives and members.

This timely and important patriotic program takes place on Tuesday evening October 23rd, beginning at 7:30PM, held at the Shady Rest Scotch Hills Country Club located at 820 Jerusalem Road (and corner of Plainfield Avenue) in Scotch Plains. The meeting if free and open to everyone. Please bring your friends and relatives. Refreshments and fellowship follow the meeting.

In thankfulness with the “Hometown Heroes” program that will be lining the main streets of Scotch Plains and Fanwood on Veterans Day and Memorial Day with 190 banners of local veterans of all wars and all service branches, we will have a voluntary tax-deductible contribution hat to help fund these important banners and poles.

