
By Laws

Adopted 1972

Amended March 25, 2014

Our Mission Statement

The Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood was started in 1972 to preserve and promote the history of the two townships through our society’s historical collections, genealogy research, exhibits, tours, written literature, public meetings and presentations as well as special events at the Osborn Cannonball House. To fulfill this mission we will provide our communities with the preservation of our historical museum, its beautiful gardens and the collections of historic artifacts and clothing.

Article I

Membership and Dues

Section 1. Any person interested in the history of Scotch Plains and Fanwood area and of the United States who applies for membership in any classification of membership and who tenders the necessary dues shall thereby become a member.

Section 2. No initiation fee shall be charged for membership in the Society. Those members who make an initial contribution of not less than $5.00 to finance the founding of the Society shall be known as Charter members.






Section 3. Annual dues shall be payable January 1 of each calendar year. Members in arrears more than twelve months after payment is due shall be dropped from membership. In the event that a member fails to pay his/her annual dues she will be notified of possible removal from membership.

Article II.

Schedule and Quorum for Meetings of Society

Section 1. Annual Business Meeting.

  1.   An annual meeting of all members will be conducted at least once per year.
  2.   Quorum for the annual meeting shall be 10 members in good standing.

Section 2. A special business meetings may be called by the president upon receipt of a written petition of 10 members.

Section 3. Order of business

  1. Call of meeting to order.
  2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
  3. President’s report.
  4. Treasurer’s report.
  5. Reports of Committees.
  6. Unfinished business.
  7. New business.
  8. Adjournment.

Article III


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members as provided by the Charter of the Society. The Directors shall be elected by the members of the society, each of whom shall have one vote, for a term of three years or until his successor is elected. The Board of Directors shall be divided into three groups, three (9) members each, and the terms of the members of each group shall expire on successive years. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the whole Board to the unexpired term to which the vacancy relates

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have the power to conduct all affairs of the Society. The Board of Directors shall decide questions of policy that for any reason cannot be acted upon at a meeting of the Society and perform such other functions as designated in the by-laws or otherwise assigned to it.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at such a time or place as the President shall designate, and a quorum shall consist of five (5) members.

Section 4. The order of business of the Directors shall be:

  1. Call of Meeting.
  2. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Treasurer’s report.
  4. Communications.
  5. Reports of Committees.
  6. Unfinished business.
  7. New business.
  8. Adjournment.

Article IV.

Section 1. The officers of the Society shall be President, who shall be chosen from among the members of the Board of Directors, a Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer and a Curator, Assistant Curator and such other officers as the Board of Directors from time to time determine. The Officers, Directors, Trustees and elected members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected to their respective offices as each regular annual meeting of the general membership. The several Officers and Directors elected and holding office at the time of the adoption of these By-Laws shall continue to hold office until their respective successors have been elected. Officers and Directors shall be members of the Society.

Section 2. The duties of the Officers shall be:

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings and elections of the Society and the Board of Directors and shall have a casting vote. The President shall also be an ex-officio member of all standing committees. He/She shall exercise and maintain a general supervision and control over the affairs of the Society, subject to the power and authority of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint a Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
  2. The Vice President shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the latter, or in case of a vacancy in the office of the President.
  3. The Corresponding Secretary shall answer all communications addressed to him/her or such as properly appertain to his office, and write such letters and perform such other duties appropriate to his office as the Board of Directors or President may request. He/she shall maintain in the office of the Society the files of all correspondence.
  4. The Recording Secretary shall be ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors. He/she shall attend all meetings and elections of the members of the Society and of the Board of Directors and, when requested, of any committee of the Board of Directors. The Recording Secretary shall keep full and accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Society, of the Board of Directors and of such committee meetings as he may attend, and shall enter such minutes in books provided for the purpose to be kept in the office of the Society in a place convenient of access. He shall give notice to the several officers, the Board of Directors or committees of all votes, orders, resolutions and proceedings of the Society or of the Board of Directors or of any of the committees thereof affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. He/she shall have charge of the corporate seal of the Society, and shall have power to affix the same to corporate instruments and to attest the same. He /she shall have custody of the corporate records of the Society, maintain up to date records at the society office, shall give notices on behalf of the Society, and shall conduct such correspondence and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the President or the Board of Directors.
  5. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society, and these funds shall be deposited in the bank approved by the Directors and to the credit of the Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood. These funds shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer shall keep a true account of the receipts and payments and shall render a monthly statement of the same to the Board of Directors and an annual statement to the Society. In case of temporary disability or the Treasurer, the Board of Directors may appoint a Treasurer pro tem.
  6. The Curator and Assistant Curator shall determine what accessions shall be received by the Society and shall keep an accurate record as to all accessions received, whether by gift, purchase or loan, setting forth the name of the donor or lender and such other information as may be deemed necessary. (Section f adopted April 20, 1982)

Article V.


Section 1. The President of the Society shall appoint all committees upon consultation with the Board of Directors.

Section 2. The standing committees shall be as follows:

  1. Garden committee
  2. Education committee
  3. Publications
  4. Membership
  5. Genealogy
  6. Website
  7. Such other committees, standing or special, as may be appointed by the President as directed by the Society or Board of Directors.

Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members who shall serve for one (1) year. In addition to the Chairman (appointed by the President), two members shall be elected from the membership at large.

Section 4. There shall be such special or other committees as may be approved by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Article VI.

Section 1. The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the proceedings of the Society and the Board of Directors except in such cases as are governed by the constitution or by-laws.

Article VII.

Amendment of the By-Laws

Section 1. These By-Laws as adopted on April 29, 972, by the Board of Directors may be amended at any meeting of the Directors by vote of two-thirds of the Directors present, provided that notice of any proposed change of the By-Laws be given in writing not less than ten days in advance of the meeting.

Article VIII.


Section 1. The Trustees of the Society shall be three (3) in number and shall serve for a term of two years. They shall have power to incorporate the Society, amend the Certificate of Incorporation, execute deeds, leases and other instruments on behalf of the Society, subject, however, to these By-Laws and the duly promulgated orders and instruments of the Board of Directors.

Article IX.

Termination of Officers, Directors, and/or Trustees

In order to preserve the charter of society and the work of its members any Officer, Director and/or Trustee who becomes incapacitated , unable to fulfill his/her duties for six months or more and/or commits an act which clearly exceeds his/her authority will be terminated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The president will appoint a member in good standing as replacement for the terminated Officer, Director, and/or Trustee who will serve until the next regular election with a vote of consent from the Board of Directors. Those Officer, Directors and/or Trustee members who submit a letter of resignation will receive a vote of acceptance and appreciation for their service. The President will appoint a replacement with the consent of the Board of Directors to serve the remainder of the term being vacated until the next regular election.

(2014 Constitution Committee: Judy Terry, Pete Terry, David Bierman, George Pierson)

(Typed by George Pierson March 28, 2014)) (ScotchPlFanHistSocConstByLaws)

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