Posts Tagged New Jersey

Meeting – March 24, 2015 – Musical Life in Colonial Williamsburg

24 March 2015

The Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood will present a program on the musical life in colonial Williamsburg by John Burkhalter at its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening March 24th, 2015 at 8:00PM at the Fanwood Train Station located on North and Martine Avenues in Fanwood, NJ.  This program is free and open to the public.  The program is funded by the Horizons Speakers Bureau of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

In 18th century Williamsburg the study of music was a subject of serious interest and social refinement.  Harpsichords and other musical instruments were imported for Williamsburg’s town houses and nearby plantations.  The presentations will be based on one of the most important colonial music inventions known, that of “Mr. Ogle, musick master lately arrived in Williamsburg from London.”

John Brukhalter founded a musical organization The Practitioners of Musick, to survey the musical riches of 17th & 18th century Great Britan and Ireland and the Colonial Federal periods in America.  The organization has a library of some 300 items of printed music published in London, Dublin and Edinburg during the course of the 18th century.  Many are rare and several unique.  His colleague, Donovan Klotzbeacher, is the harpsichordist.  He has always been fascinated with early musical instruments such as recorders and harpsichords.  The two have presented their musical program to many historical organizations throughout New Jersey.

Please join us on March 24th to be transported back in time to colonial Williamsburg where a most famous Mr. Ogle will fascinate us with his music mastery. Fellowship and refreshments follow the meeting.

For more information about this event, contact Connie Klock at 908-232-9489 or write to us.  For more information about the Horizons Speakers Bureau please visit

Please note the change of venue for this meeting!


Meeting – February 24, 2015 – Central NJ: Hub of the American Revolution

18 February 2015

Author, historian and storyteller Bob Mayers will lift the veil and revive forsaken local locations at the monthly meeting of the Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood on Tuesday evening February 24th.  He will discuss his latest book, “The Forgotten Revolution”.  Lesser-known facts about NJ Revolutionary War battles, encampments and troop movements, critical evens will surprise you.  He will revive the forgotten locations of The Short Hills, Pompton, Jockey Hollow, Bound Brook and the march to Yorktown through this area in 1781 with fresh research from original military records and onsite visits.

Bob Mayers is an active member of  A former Human Resources executive he is a graduate of Rutgers University and was an adjunct professor Seton Hall University.  Mayers served as a combat officer in the Navy and Marine Corps.  Besides his new book The Forgotten Revolution, Mayers has a previous published book, “The War Man”, the biography of Corporal John Allison, who fought all eight years of the Revolutionary War.  Mayers’ also authored the Allison/Mayers Family History—The portrait of an American Family that covers 600 years of the family’s history.

Please join us to hear Bob Mayers at this informative meeting. It is free and open to everyone.  The meeting takes place at the Scotch Hills Country Club on Plainfield Avenue and Jerusalem Road in Scotch Plains,  on Tuesday evening, February 24 at 8:00PM. Fellowship and refreshments follow the meeting.

Contact Connie Klock at 908-232-9489 for further information or write to us.


Meeting – November 25, 2014 – New Jersey Violins

12 November 2014

Local Scotch Plains resident Ira B. Kraemer’s avocation is his vocation:  fine string instruments.  A professional violist and conductor, Ira serves the professional string players in the NJ-NY metro area with his business, Ira B. Kraemer & Co.  He repairs, restores and sells violins, violas, cellos, basses and bows.  Time permitting; he will even make a new violin or viola in house.

It is a privilege to have Ira “show and tell” about New Jersey violins at the monthly Tuesday evening meeting of the Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood on November 25th.  From his extensive collection– one of the largest on the east coast—Ira will bring a selection of instruments and teach us about the construction of violins and the variation in design during the last 200 years.

Mr. Kraemer is listed in the “Who’s Who in America” and the “Who’s Who in the World” because of his conducting a youth orchestra in Middlesex County for 13 years.

This informative and special meeting is free and open to everyone.  The meeting takes place at the Scotch Hills Country Club on Plainfield Avenue and Jerusalem Road in Scotch Plains,  on Tuesday evening, November 25 at 8:00PM. Fellowship and refreshments follow the meeting.

Contact Connie Klock at 908-232-9489 for further information or write to us.

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