
Osborn Cannonball House Museum Open May 1st

13 April 2022

Photo of Cannonball HouseThe Osborn Cannonball House Museum will be open to the public for tours on Sunday, May 1st from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The current exhibits feature mannequins dressed in clothing from the late 19th century to the early 20th century.  House tours will be provided by costumed docents. The Museum is located at 1840 Front Street, Scotch Plains, NJ  07076. Admission to the museum is free but donations are always welcome.

For more information email or call 908-322-6700 Extension 230.


Museum Opening April 3rd With Craft Demonstrations

23 March 2022

Tinsmith George Pierson


The 18th century Osborn Cannonball House Museum, located at 1840 Front street in downtown Scotch Plains will be featuring a Colonial Crafts Day on April 3rd. There will be continuous demonstrations of crafts by Historical Society members. Tinsmith George Pierson will demonstrate tin piercing. Other demonstrations include Connie Klock making pomanders, Renate Maroney quilling, Darlene Palombo making butter, and Sam Wolf embroidering. Take a tour of the museum and learn the role Scotch Plains played in the Revolutionary War.

The Osborn Cannonball House Museum is located at 180 Front Street in Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076. It will be open from 2pm to 4pm on April 3rd. Admission is free but donations are always welcome. For further information email or call 908-322-6700 Extension 230.


Donate to put the Cannonball House on the National Registry of Historic Places

25 January 2022

The Historical Society of Scotch Plains/Fanwood is sponsoring a fundraising campaign to help the Osborn Cannonball House Museum, located in downtown Scotch Plains, which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. The “Cannonball House,” named by locals after a cannon misfired and hit the building during The Battle of The Short Hills in Scotch Plains in June 1777, has been open to the public as a teaching museum since 1972.

The building, an 18th century Georgian style home, was built c. 1760, and was home to many noteworthy Scotch Plains families. Jonathan Osborn, who is credited with building the house and who raised 13 children there, was a prominent Scotch Plains citizen who was an innkeeper, tailor and farmer. His Son, David, was a Captain in the NJ Militia and the area’s first Clerk and Postmaster. It is also documented that two of Jonathan’s sons fought in the Revolutionary War. The Museum is one of the oldest and a unique structure in downtown Scotch Plains.

The Historical Society of Scotch Plains/Fanwood is pursuing the listing of the museum on the NJ State and National Registries of Historic Places. Inclusion on the Registry of Historic Places, while an honor for a property in itself, also provides opportunities for grants to procure funds which are necessary for the continued maintenance of the building to protect it for future generations. A successful nomination to the Registry of Historic Places signifies that a property is an important part of America’s cultural heritage and worthy of preservation. Nomination is a lengthy process which requires documentation prepared by a professional.

Leave your mark on history and help us preserve the legacy of the Cannonball House. Please send your donations to the campaign to have the Cannonball House listed on the NJ State and National Registries to The Historical Society of Scotch Plains/Fanwood, P. O Box 261, 1840 Front Street, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076. Checks should be made out to “The Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood”. For further information call (908) 322-6700, Ext 230 or email

The Cannonball House Museum is open to the public on the first Sunday of every month (except Jan. & Feb.) from 2-4 p.m. with tours by costumed historical interpreters. It is also open for special events, school tours and group tours by appointment.

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