Osborn Cannonball House Museum Open House – Sunday, November 6, 2011 2PM-4PM

1 November 2011
The Osborn Cannonball House Museum located at 1840 Front Street, Scotch Plains, NJ, 07076, will be open on Sunday, November 6th, 2011, from 2-4pm.
The theme continues with “the invitiation to the dance” which will feature formal ball clothes from colonial fashion through the 1950’s.  Costumed guides will conduct tours.
Admission is free.  All are welcome!

Photos from the 2011 Union County Four Centuries in a Weekend event at the museum

17 October 2011

Period Costumes

Image 1 of 11

Go to to the full album


Meeting on 25 October 2011 – Recollections Of Two Old Men

12 October 2011

Flash back a hundred years ago to South Scotch Plains in the early 1900’s.  Imagine how it was to live there…Then come to our monthly meeting and find out how it really was.

Long time Scotch Plains resident Elmer “Pete” Terry will have pictures, memories and maps of this area of Scotch Plains. In his talk, he will share recollections of his and his father’s.

His father’s were recorded in 1975 when he was 87 years old. Arriving in 1757, the Terry family was one of the first families to settle in Scotch Plains.  “The Old Homestead” that the original Terry family built still stands, has never been sold and has always housed a Terry.  Pete and his wife Judy live there now.  Pete was born and lived the first 10 years of his life in neighboring Plainfield.  Then his parents moved to “The Old Homestead.”  He graduated from Scotch Plains and went into the plumbing and pipefitting trade with his father.  In 1970 he went into business for himself with his Mechanical Contracting Company.  He was a contractor and commercial & industrial builder.  He furthered his expertise with an Industrial Studies degree from Kean College.  For many years he was the Vice President of Construction and Project Manager for Chem-Fleur Company, a fragrance and flavor chemical company.  A larger company bought it out and Pete worked for them in his same position until his retirement 7 years ago.

The meeting is open and free to everyone.

It is held at the Scotch Hills Country Club on Plainfield Avenue and Jerusalem Road in Scotch Plains,  on Tuesday, October 25th at 8:00PM.
Contact Richard Bousquet, President, for further information at 908-232-1199 or write to us.

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