Monthly Archives: November 2013

2013 Annual Holiday Open house at the Osborn Cannonball House Museum

30 November 2013

The Osborn Cannonball House Museum 1840 East Front Street in Scotch Plains, NJ will be open on Sunday, December 1, 2013 from 2-4pm.

Featured is our Victorian Christmas tree and1800’s winter clothing display. Join us for hot mulled cider and snacks.
Also see our recently acquired 1880’s Mason and Hamilin reed pump organ.  Costumed guides will conduct tours.

This will be the last open house of the Museum for 2013.  It will be closed for the winter and reopen the first Sunday in March 2014.


Meeting – November 26, 2013 – Where were you when Kennedy died?

19 November 2013

Newspaper from the day John F. Kenndedy diedNovember 22nd marks the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination.  At the monthly meeting of the Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood New Jersey we will look back to that time and remember.  Those of us alive at the time, vividly remember where we were when we heard the news.

Please come to the meeting and share your story and the assassination’s impact upon you.

The meeting takes place at the Scotch Hills Country Club on Plainfield Avenue and Jerusalem Road in Scotch Plains,  on Tuesday, November 26 at 8:00PM.  Fellowship and refreshments follow the meeting.  The meeting is free and open to everyone.

Contact Connie Klock at 908-232-9489 for further information or write to us.
