Monthly Archives: March 2013

Meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 – History of the Radio

20 March 2013

What does the sinking of the Titanic have to do with popularizing the radio?  Come to the monthly meeting of the Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood on Tuesday evening March 26th to find out and verify your answer.

Ray Chase, a member and trustee of the New Jersey Antique Radio Club (NJARC) will trace the history of radio with a talk and a power point presentation.  Mr. Chase received training in radar systems during his military service.  Afterwards he worked for several technology companies.  Much of his work was in the management of Quality Assurance and Government regulatory compliance programs.  He is a certified Quality Engineer by the American Society for Quality Assurance.  His long-term interest in radio and radar technology resulted in the accumulation of a sizable library and a modest collection of antique radios as well as WWII era military electronic equipment, some of which he will display at the meeting. Out of this passion, Ray was instrumental in establishing the Radio Technology Museum at InfoAge.

The meeting takes place at the Scotch Hills Country Club on Plainfield Avenue and Jerusalem Road in Scotch Plains,  on Tuesday, February 26th at 8:00PM.  Fellowship and refreshments follow the meeting.  The meeting is free and open to everyone.

Contact Connie Klock at 908-232-9489 for further information or write to us.
