Monthly Archives: May 2010

Meeting on May 25, 2010 – “B.C.: Before the Crapper”

5 May 2010

Marcia Anderson will be presenting  “B.C.:  Before the Crapper” – the history of indoor plumbing at our monthly meeting on May 25th, 2010 beginning at 8PM.

Marcia is a Scotch Plains resident and multi-talented professional.  She works for the US EPA, where she is presently the regional project officer for the pesticides division.  Her specialty is mosquito management.  As an Adjunct Professor at Kean University, she teaches numerous courses in the Geology, Oceanography and Geography departments.  Additionally she is a certified tree expert.

Our meetings are held at the Scotch Hills Country Club in Scotch Plains, NJ.  We hope to see you there!
